少說也有七年改卷經驗,雖然大部分都是answer only,但偶然也會改改有證明的功課,所以問題本來不大。不過combinatorics是一個很特別的課題,有時一題的solution可以一個數字或數式都沒有,有的就是一大堆英文字母,或者一堆圖。因此其邏輯推進更難被看出。學生表達能力較差的,可以將一個簡單的solution寫得亂七八糟。亦因此,曾有IMO HK committee指IMO最難改的題目就是combinatorics的題目。
A m times n chessboard, with m and n both odd, has the upper left corner coloured white. All boxes neighboring to a white box are black, and all boxes neighboring to a black box are white. Now, an arbitrary white box is removed from the chessboard. Prove that the remaining board can be perfectly covered by 1 times 2 dominoes.
In the original board there are (mn+1)/2 white boxes and (mn-1)/2 black boxes. After removing a white box, the number of white boxes is same the number of black boxes. Hence, the remaining board can be perfectly covered.
Consider a 1 times 3 board. Obviously there is a perfect cover after removing any of the 2 available boxes. Now, we assume that we have a perfect cover for 1 times (2k+1) board. Then for 1 times (2k+3) board, we can divide the board into 2 parts, one part being 1 times (2k+1) and the other part is 1 times 2. Both parts can be perfectly covered by induction assumption, so 1 times (2k+3) board can be perfectly covered after removing any white box. By mathematical induction, 1 times n board, where n is odd, can be perfectly covered after removing any white box.
An induction on x coordinate again will lead to the result.
Without loss of generality, we can assume that the removed white box is the left-upper corner one. Blah blah blah...
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