2007年9月14日 星期五



今日,李衛平用了一個偉大的證據,去證明三維空間比二維空間好得多。他首先在白板上畫了一條河,一男一女在河的兩邊。然後他說:"The boy cannot swim, then in 2-dim space, he cannot cross the river (to meet the girl and make...)."續著的是:"But if this is a 3-dim space, he can jump acroos the river."「金句王」真的無封錯他。

我無法想像為甚麼會有MATH310學生在第二個星期要求make appointment。不過,我想她之前也無法想像我是會拒絕的。我是這樣跟她說的:"Making appointments will be accepted only with reasons proving you are NOT available (say you have lectures in both office hours) during the office hours."


0.41 * 0.61 * 6.91 * 10.89 = 18.81999999
0.41 + 0.61 + 6.91 + 10.89 = 18.82

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

人家Samsung 每次 Tutorial notes 都超過十版,每個禮拜五個鐘office hour,仲可以make appointment。佢仲係email 到講: "it is my duties to serve you."

今時今日,咁o既TA 先係好TA 呀嘛。

Marco_Dick 提到...
